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Office for Student Success Texas A&M University Office for Student Success

Meet Our Staff

Leticia Palomin Ph.D

Leticia Palomin Ph.D

Director, Routh First-Generation Center

Phone: (979) 458-6407

Leticia Palomin earned her B.A. in Political Science and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration, both from Texas A&M University. She is a Rio Grande Valley native from Pharr, Texas, and a proud first-generation Aggie graduate.  Before joining the Offi...More about Leticia Palomin Ph.D

Alexia Williams

Alexia Williams

Program Coordinator I, Routh First-Generation Center

Phone: 979-458-6790

Alexia Williams attended Texas A&M and recieved her Bechelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Performance Studies. During her graduate program she reserached Free Jazz and analyzed the impact the social climate of the United States had on the genre.She ...More about Alexia Williams

Kyandra Greene

Kyandra Greene

Program Coordinator I, Routh First-Generation Center

Phone: 979-458-6400

Kyandra Greene earned her B.E.S.S with a concentration in Pre-Rehabilitation and B.A. in Psychology, both from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. She is an Aggieland native raised from Bryan/College Station, Texas. Before joining the Offic...More about Kyandra Greene