Fall 2020
Zuleika Carrasco-Martinez
December 2020 | College of Liberal ArtsWhat do you enjoy most about working with students?
I like that advising gives me the opportunity to interact with students, and that I am able to work with them from the beginning of their college career to graduation. I like having that opportunity to see them grow.
What is one fun fact about you?
Those who have had the chance to get to know me or have heard of me know that I am a proud Puerto Rican. What many do not know is that I was born in Germany. I am what you would call a military brat.
What advice did you have for our Aggies this fall semester?
We know that these are hard times and there have been many changes academically. However, most importantly, we want you to know you are not alone. Always remember that we are here for you.
What advice do you have for new academic advisors at Texas A&M?
Listen to your students. Many times, students are looking for someone to just listen to them. You will be surprised what you will discover if you just listen to them.
Melyssa-Anne K. Stricklin
November 2020 | College of Agriculture and Life SciencesWhat do you enjoy most about working with students?
I find it most rewarding when students are wiling to confide in me. When they feel comfortable enough to be honest with me about their life. Of course, I also love when I get to see them as prospective students and watch them grow and learn and reach graduation. I am so proud of what they have accomplished and not just academically.
What is one fun fact about you?
Though my headshot does not show it, I have had purple hair for over a year. #PurpleHairForLife
What advice do you have for our Aggies this fall semester?
I know that taking all online classes is very difficult because you have to find your own intrinsic motivation to do your academic work. To take control of your own education and make yourself do the work without the accountability of the classroom. To take initiative to sit yourself down and do the work, at times you may feel like you are teaching yourself. I know that this semester is extremely overwhelming because of COVID-19. I hear you. We hear you. It is an exceptional time to navigate your personal lives, your families, your school work, and your job. You are more resilient than you think. You can and will get through this. Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. It is okay to ask for help, even if you don’t know what you are asking for specifically.
What advice do you have for new academic advisors at Texas A&M?
Be ready for today’s student. You must be excited about learning and keeping up with how to use new and engaging technologies to interact with Gen Z students. You need to be passionate about the student experience. Each student and member of our campus has different lived experiences and you need to be ready to celebrate those. This is done by listening, meeting them where they are, and attending as many trainings as possible.
Another huge piece of advising is remembering work/life balance! It can be easy to get burnt out if you don’t know why you are in this field and if you don’t take “me time.”
Suzanne Rosser
October 2020 | College of GeosciencesWhat do you enjoy most about working with students?
The time I spend with them in the classroom, advising office and out in the field on field trips watching them grow and learn. It is most rewarding when I see them growing in to their potential and taking on new challenges.
What is one fun fact about you?
Sewing is my happy place, so during this stay at home order/mask wearing mandate I have been using my love of sewing by making masks and giving them to anyone who has asked. To date I have made and given away over 40 masks with many more made and waiting to be used.
What advice do you have for our Aggies this fall semester?
Communication is key as we go through this semester that looks like no other. Your advisors and faculty are there for you. Make sure you stay in touch and reach out to avoid isolation. You’re an important part of the Aggie family, and we can make this the best semester possible by all working together.
What advice do you have for new academic advisors at Texas A&M?
Make sure you are open and honest with your students and that they know you are there for them regardless of what is going on in their lives. You will have so many opportunities and challenges come through your office but by listening to and supporting your students that is one of the keys to their success.
Rachel Wales![]()
September 2020 | Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringWhat do you enjoy most about working with students?
My favorite part of my job is working directly with students. Advising gives me the opportunity to walk with students as they shape their future, both during their time at Texas A&M and for the rest of their lives.
What is one fun fact about you?
During the stay-at-home order, I decided to attempt acrylic drip painting; emphasis on attempted. I also jumped on the bread-making bandwagon, and expanded to macarons and my Nana's kolache recipe.
What advice do you have for our Aggies this fall semester?
Remember: You matter. You are capable of accomplishing great things, even in adverse circumstances. This semester doesn’t look the same as usual, but we are still the same Aggie Family.
Your advisors are here for you, and we believe in you.
P.S. Please check your emails. ;)
What advice do you have for new academic advisors at Texas A&M?
Always remember the “Why” of what we do as advisors. Share in the joy with students as they pass “that” class, get an internship or a leadership role in their student organization, apply for graduation… In small and sometimes very big ways, we were able to help them along the way, and seeing a student reach their goals brings value to everything we do for our students, even that super last-minute force request.