TSP Mentors

Niti Yadav
TSP Mentor, College College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: nxy220016-sw@tamu.edu

Max Kunde
TSP Mentor, College College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: maxkunde-sw@tamu.edu

McKenna Johnson
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: mckennaej-sw@tamu.edu

Chiso Ajoku
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: chiso.ajoku-sw@tamu.edu

Faith York
TSP Mentor, College College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: fayyork-sw@tamu.edu

Alyssa Becerra
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: alyssa.becerra-sw@tamu.edu

Konnor McKie
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: konnormckie-sw@tamu.edu

Isabella Gutierrez
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: isabellaguti22-sw@tamu.edu

Camilla Cobos
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: camcobos-sw@tamu.edu

Fatima Munoz
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: fgonzalezzm7-sw@tamu.edu

Sophia LeBlanc
TSP Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: sophie.leblanc19-sw@tamu.edu

Shayne Medina
TSP Mentor, College of Education and Human Dev
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: smed17-sw@tamu.edu

Jean Sepulveda
TSP Mentor, College of Engineering
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: jean-sw@tamu.edu

Charles Reynolds
TSP Mentor, Bush School of Government and Public Service
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: charlesreynolds-sw@tamu.edu

Alexis Tipping
TSP Mentor, Bush School of Government and Public Service
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: atipping-sw@tamu.edu

Sarah McGinnis
TSP Mentor, School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: smcginnis1-sw@tamu.edu

Maddie McCoy
TSP Mentor, School of Public Health
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: madelinemccoy18-sw@tamu.edu

Lucia Gutierrez
TSP Mentor, School of Public Health
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: lgutierrez26-sw@tamu.edu
TSP Coordinators

Halie Johnson
TSP Student Program Coordinator
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd Floor - Room 221Phone: 979-458-6111
Contact: halie-patrick-sw@tamu.edu

Lexie Guerrero
TSP Student Marketing Coordinator
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6111
Contact: alexisguerrero-sw@tamu.edu